Sunday, February 27, 2011


Hello my name is Audrey and I am addicted to infomercials.  Specifically just the fitness related ones.  Last summer I watched the infomercial for the INSANITY dvds about 1,000 times.  I could practically quote the people in the clip.  Needless to say, I ended up ordering that set so that I could have my fix any time I wanted.   For the most part, I'm a little skeptical of most of those infomercials and the products they are trying to pawn off on innocent and gullible fools that will pay big money for those "miracle" items that will change their life.  So when the dvds came in, they had alot to live up to.

The INSANITY dvd's are appropriately named.  They could have been named "Shoot me now, I'm dying"  or "Shove these hot pokers in my eyes, it would be less painful".   The set comes with 10 dvds, a wall calendar that tells you which dvd to do on which day and a nutrition guide.   I will admit, I went in to the workout thinking to myself "I'm in good bad could this be?".  Very. Bad.

Bad, but in a good way.  I really believe what Shaun T preaches in his infomerical...."INSANITY will put you in the best shape of your life."   If you are the type of person that strives on a challenge...that wants to push yourself to the absolute breaking point...then this series is for you!  I was not able to do the INSANITY challenge exactly as the plan wanted me to.  I also had to fit in my gym classes I teach and I didn't want to give up my running.  However, I did use the dvds as a supplement to my regular routine....trying to squeeze it in a couple of times a week or when I wasn't able to run.

When school started back in the fall, my devotion to the series dwindled.  Then, almost a year later, I'm laying in bed flipping through mindless television, and there he is.  The Gatekeeper to Torture.  Shaun T.  The infomercial was a newer version (still advertising the same dvd series).   I found myself once again mesmerized by the promise of 6 pack abs and a rock hard body.  Might be time to dust off the set.  Somebody hand me my straight I come.


Brinda said...

I love to watch Tony Horton do his Power 90 thing. I've seen it at least 10 times.

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