Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'll take an order of endorphins please.....

My day kicked off to a great start -  Zumba this morning with a room full of fun, energetic people.  It's when I left the gym that things slid downhill.  We've all had those days where nothing seems to go right....where you feel as though surely there's a hidden camera somewhere and Ashton Kutcher is gonna pop out any time and tell you you've been Punk'd. 

I am generally a type A, OCD personality ...a little high strung by nature.....NOT a good foundation for things to go wrong.  All I can say is hallelujah for endorphins and exercise therapy.  There's something about taking that one hour - or however long - and devoting it completely and selfishly to yourself.  Mix in something you enjoy, people you love, good music, laughs and alotta sweat and you have yourself a prescription that no pharmacy can fill.

It's gonna be a long day.  Thank heavens I have another Zumba class to look forward to tonight!


Anonymous said...

Amen sister!! I miss you! Workouts are much less fun at home
So glad you're blogging and keeping me on my toes!
Happy day, micah

Audrey Estes said...

Micah, I miss you too! Our little morning class has GROWN! Wish you were there!

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