Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My running love/hate relationship

A friend of mine once said, "I love running....until I'm actually doing it".  I couldn't agree more!  As a matter of fact, I was sooo NOT loving it this morning.  At 5:30 AM.  In the cold.  Uphill.  Both ways. 

I teach Bodypump which I love.  I teach Zumba which I LOVE .  I RUN.    When I talk about my fitness regimen, I always say how running is one of my favorite cardiovascular activities.  All of that completely went out the window at about umm 5:45 AM.  My only saving grace was that I had great company....to keep me entertained and to keep me from totally wimping out halfway through the run.  

When it comes to fitness, by all means, do what you love.  But even if you don't love it at the time there is always a way to make it better.   Put some kick tail music on your ipod, enlist your friends to commit with you or just tell yourself..."this too shall pass".   I love how I feel after the run.  Accomplished.  Sweaty.  Strong.  So if it means I have to endure 45 minutes of hell on Asics, I will do it.  Every time.


Brinda said...

I can understand the love for Zumba and Bodypump, but I'll never have a love affair with running. Unless it's running from a bird.

Brenda Jaynes said...
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Brenda Jaynes said...

I can't understand any of it. I hate getting sweaty as much as I hate mornings. I hate gasping for air after an hour (or in my case, fifteen minutes) of exertion. But what I hate worse is busting out of my pants and knowing that the next stop at the mall is gonna be Lane Bryant if I don't shut my pie hole and get moving.

Unknown said...

I absolutely hate, hate, hate to exercise, any and all forms. There, I said it. It's no wonder I look like I do. That's going to change. Thank you for your post. I feel like I can do this!

Audrey Estes said...

Sharon, the mental part is more than half the battle. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you get started!!

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